en · tro · py /’entr?pe/ noun.

Lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

We’re the Entropy Busters®

Anyone can come into your operation and point out problems, but that doesn’t lead to results. We ignite change by rolling up our sleeves with your team, working side-by-side to learn the ins and outs of your business, and building trust as we identify and tackle your complex challenges with simple, truly sustainable solutions.

Snapshot of Success

  • EBITDA improvements of $45 million

  • More than $200 million in inventory reduction

  • 95 percentage points added to customer service ratings, and counting…

  • Increased corporate valuation by $955 million

Can we help your team?

Is your operation and supply chain good, but not good “enough”?

Are your operations and supply chain incapable of performing to customers’ expectations?

Are the expectations of the market changing faster than your business?

Do your operations too frequently fail to reliably deliver your brand promise, relegating it to wishful marketing tag line status?

If any of your answers are YES, Arthur Koch Management Consulting, LLC, can help!

The Supply Chain Revolution is here!

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