Seattle Episode 86 – COVID-19 Expert Panel

March 18, 2020

The Shrimp Tank | Seattle Episode 86 – COVID-19 Expert Panel

We find ourselves in interesting times. Unprecedented times with a global pandemic that is severely impacting both individuals and businesses; especially small and medium-sized businesses.

Being in Seattle, we have been at the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States. To that end, we are practicing responsible social distancing and not holding a live podcast and have rescheduled our guest to another time in the future. Co-host Dan Weedin has recorded a special podcast related directly to responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Dan has recorded an interview with four global experts and colleagues of his to help you figure out what to do right now and this week to respond and set up recovery strategies.

Listen to the podcast.

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Categories: In The News

The Call of a Generation – Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis

March 18, 2020

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Series
Volume 3 | Number 3 | March 2020

The Call of a Generation – Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis

As our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents before us, each generation was called on to make sacrifices for their country: whether it was during World Wars, The Great Depression, or similar pandemics such as the Spanish Flu. Today, WE are the generation who must make the sacrifices. We will get through this as stronger people, stronger nations and partnerships. Please remember, as bad as this feels, no one is dropping bombs on us or shooting at us!

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How is that Plan “B” for China?

February 23, 2020

Entropy Busters® Series
Volume 3 | Number 2 | February 2020

I started with, “Let’s start with the realization that plan “A” to relocate operations to China had a major flaw. If you moved manufacturing to China, India or any other low-cost producing country with the intention of importing goods back to North America or Europe (half a world away), then your plan was unsound!” The primary focus was on inventory velocity, total cost of ownership and the ethics of investing. Now we are in the middle of a S^&% storm of COVID-19 with world-wide impact to supply chains and the global economy.

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E-Mail Is A Decoupled Process

February 3, 2020

If you’re like me, you likely rely on e-mail for many for functions.

Many times we take to path of least resistance. When you’re a Supply Chain or Operations team member with a heavy work load trying to get the daily task completed, it’s common for short cuts to be taken; hence the path of least resistance. These work-arounds become tribal knowledge and halt proper change management.

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When Ludicrous becomes Scandalous

January 12, 2020

When Ludicrous becomes Scandalous.

I like to have fun with the words ludicrous and scandalous. By personal definitions are as follows:

Ludicrous; We’ve all been there… Billy always has the crazy ideas. Often, they’re actually worth looking into and determining if they have any substance. However, with any good brainstorming there are the occasional ludicrous ideas. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the occasional ludicrous idea, just don’t spend resources on it.

Scandalous; Is spending time and money on that ludicrous idea…!

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The Important gets Sacrificed for the Urgent

December 23, 2019

Entropy Busters® Series
Volume 2 | Number 12 | December 2019

Sacrificing the Important for The Urgent

Do you or anyone within your organization ever sacrifice the important for the urgent? This is one of the key challenges of many organizations. When you look at the team member’s challenges: e-mails, mobile phones and open work spaces, it’s nearly impossible to find the quiet time and space to complete meaningful work. This reality is echoed by team leadership. Many, if not all, say they would love to work on certain priorities…if they only had the time…

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