Art Koch book

The Supply Chain Revolution: What’s Inside – Chapter 4

Cover image for a YouTube video featuring Art Koch and his book 'The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain'

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Tips
The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain
Volume 5 | Number 10 | September 2024

Continuing my What’s Inside the Book series – here I share what you’ll find in Chapter 4: Swift Yet Meticulous: Rapid Assessment of Your Supply Chain.

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The Supply Chain Revolution: What’s Inside – Chapter 3

Cover image for a YouTube video featuring Art Koch and his book 'The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain'

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Tips
The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain
Volume 5 | Number 8 | August 2024

I’m pleased to share with you what’s inside my new book ‘The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain’. Let’s have a look at Chapter 3 – Mastering the Fundamentals: The Bedrock of Supply Chain Management.

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The Supply Chain Revolution: What’s Inside? Chapter 2

Cover image for a YouTube video featuring Art Koch and his book 'The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain'

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Tips
The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain
Volume 5 | Number 6 | August 2024

I’m pleased to share with you what’s inside my new book ‘The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain’. Let’s have a look at Chapter 2 – Building Professionalism in Supply Chain Management.

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