supply chain management

Book Review: Hollywood Digest

Hollywood Digest book review of The Supply Chain Revolution - Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain"

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Tips
The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain
Book Review
Volume 5 | Number 9 | September 2024

I was so pleased to learn that my book “The Supply Chain Revolution – Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain” was reviewed in the Hollywood Digest.

The Hollywood Digest is the premier online entertainment magazine, bringing you the latest news on music, films, TV shows, books and celebrities. They also review business books – and they reviewed mine!

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The Supply Chain Revolution: What’s Inside – Chapter 3

Cover image for a YouTube video featuring Art Koch and his book 'The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain'

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Tips
The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain
Volume 5 | Number 8 | August 2024

I’m pleased to share with you what’s inside my new book ‘The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain’. Let’s have a look at Chapter 3 – Mastering the Fundamentals: The Bedrock of Supply Chain Management.

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4 Key Reasons Executives Wait to Engage Experts — and Why Delaying is Such a Bad Idea

This article appeared in The Good Men Project in July 2024. “4 Key Reasons Executives Wait to Engage Experts – and Why Delaying is Such a Bad Idea”. When businesses hire coaches, here’s what happens — they stop focusing too much on incremental gain for quarterly results.

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The Supply Chain Revolution: What’s Inside? Chapter 2

Cover image for a YouTube video featuring Art Koch and his book 'The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain'

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Tips
The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain
Volume 5 | Number 6 | August 2024

I’m pleased to share with you what’s inside my new book ‘The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain’. Let’s have a look at Chapter 2 – Building Professionalism in Supply Chain Management.

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The Supply Chain Revolution: What’s Inside?

Cover image for a YouTube video featuring Art Koch and his book 'The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain'

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Tips
The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain
Volume 5 | Number 4 | July 2024

I’m pleased to share with you what’s inside my new book ‘The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain’. Let’s have a look at Chapter 1 – How to Navigate the Book!

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Master Supply Chain Management with These 5 Scuba Diving Techniques

What do scuba diving and supply chain management have in common? A lot, as I realized while on a scuba diving break from the hectic business world. It was while underwater, surrounded by calm, that I realized just how similar they are. Learning to scuba dive and mastering the complexities of supply chain management share a non-negotiable requirement: an unwavering commitment to foundational principles.

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The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Tips
The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain
Volume 5 | Number 3 | June 2024

As I mentioned in my February newsletter, I’m thrilled that my book, “The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain,” is now available on Amazon June 13th – Pre-order today! Paperback $41.99 and Kindle $17.99.

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