The Supply Chain Revolution: What’s Inside – Chapter 4

September 12, 2024

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Tips
The Supply Chain Revolution: Unlocking the Sustainable Profit Chain
Volume 5 | Number 10 | September 2024

Continuing my What’s Inside the Book series – here I share what you’ll find in Chapter 4: Swift Yet Meticulous: Rapid Assessment of Your Supply Chain.

Let’s go!

Swift Yet Meticulous: Rapid Assessment of Your Supply Chain

Introduction to Rapid Supply Chain Assessment

  • The critical importance of mastering rapid assessment techniques in supply chain management, similar to mastering buoyancy in scuba diving.
  • These skills are essential for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing resources.

Overview of the Supply Chain Foundation Rapid Assessment

  • The “Supply Chain Foundation Rapid Assessment” tool, components and benefits.
    • 10 key fundamental categories.
    • Allow you to slow down and observe the surroundings.
  • Adapted from a 2002 Harvard Business Review article by Eugene Goodson, titled “Read a Plant—Fast”.
  • Quick, accurate, and repeatable nature assessment that involves active participation from the client.

Real World Application: Case Study Example

  • A brief case study that illustrates how the rapid assessment has been effectively applied in a real business setting, detailing the significant improvements achieved.

Benefits of Implementing Rapid Assessment

  • Quick, accurate, and repeatable nature assessment that involves active participation from the client.
    • Radar Chart creates a visceral reaction to results.

Call to Action: Embrace Change and Efficiency

  • Do you bounce from one problem to the next?
  • Are there blind spots to the current opportunities?
  • Is there a benchmark of the current supply chain process with a plan to correct deficiencies?

Watch the video below for Chapter 4: Swift Yet Meticulous: Rapid Assessment of Your Supply Chain.

Carpe Diem,

Art Koch