The Formula for Success

November 5, 2020

Every day some events occur to us that we have ZERO control over.

However, we have 100% control over our response.

For example, a draw bridge, train crossing, or an auto accident may delay your commute home from a long day’s work. Rather than getting mad or angry, use the newly found time to your benefit.

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Friendly Rivalries’ and the Winner SpaceX

August 7, 2020

You have heard me recommend internal friendly rivalries. Here’s one for the record books! On the final NASA Space Shuttle mission, Atlantis, on July 8, 2011, to the International Space Station. NASA astronauts left a United States flag to be retrieved by the next group of astronauts to arrive from American soil. The friendly competition was between Boeing and SpaceX. On June 1, 2020, nearly nine years later, a NASA team of astronauts captured the flag when they arrived aboard SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft!

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The Relevant Few

July 19, 2020

How many KPIs do you manage?

I worked with a client who was trying to build an electronic dashboard for 50+ KPIs. When there is this number of KPIs, the information becomes white background noise and many organizations succumb to analysis paralysis.

It took time to convince, but we were able to reduce the number to The Relevant Few.

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There will be NO “New Normal” – WE will be Normal

July 2, 2020

After the last few months of navigating Covid-19 conditions, we can expect that the next 15-18 months will require patience as we wait for the virus to dissipate, for individuals to build antibodies and for vaccines to be developed.

There has been much voiced and written about the “new normal”, when we can expect to work remotely, restaurants to have plexiglass walls between tables, and masks to be worn 24/7. I don’t subscribe to this vision of the future.

Let’s stop to think about the past and current pandemics; yes, current pandemic! HIV/AIDS is still ongoing and has taken an estimated 25 to 35 million lives since its origin in 1981!

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Knock Off The Training Wheels

June 13, 2020

Today is a moment of unprecedented change. The COVID – 19 pandemic has caused significant disruptions to all businesses around the world. Don’t think of this a problem, but opportunities for those individuals that are faster, flexible, and responsive to change. We cannot let fear paralyze us from inaction.

One of the biggest challenges I see with organizations is to just start. They need to set aside their self-doubt. I’ll say to them: “It’s time to Knock the Training Wheels Off and start our journey”. This is exactly what many organizations need to do right now!

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