
My Business Got COVID

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Series
Volume 1 | Number 2 | February 2021

I’m not telling you that any of our team members or I got COVID. My argument here is that the business got COVID.

More and more, I’m discussing the current situation with my client’s leadership and witnessing the long-term effects of having their team members working remotely.

Before the pandemic, businesses were functioning relatively well. They had daily visual management meetings where opportunities received rapid responses from highly engaged associates, and issues could be swiftly escalated when necessary.

During the last few weeks, I re-engaged with a past client. Speaking with three of their leadership team members, they voiced the same concerns and comments as my other clients, that COVID remote work is negatively impacting their productivity and teamwork.

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Blogging The Art of Change™ – January 2021

January has been a terrific month. Jam-packed, however, lots of fun and energizing! Was interviewed on Dan Gaffney Talk, WXDE Delaware 105.9, about my newsletter on COVID – The perfect Disrupter for Small and Medium Enterprises to Leverage for Growth.

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2021 = Optimism

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Series
Volume 1 | Number 1 | January 2021

As we exited 2020, I stepped back and reflected on the past year, looking forward with optimism for 2021. Even though 2020 was a troubled year, I’m not going to rehash the details.  I believe there are multiple bright spots of hope ahead and an excellent reason to have confidence in humanity.

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COVID – The Perfect Disrupter for Small and Medium Enterprises to Leverage for Growth

Art Koch’s Profit Chain® Series
Volume 3 | Number 12 | December 2020

With any significant event, crisis, or seismic economic shift, there will always be the opportunity for agile enterprises to fill the void the disruption creates.

The COVID pandemic drastically hastened the retreat from globalization, and depending on the survey, 67% to 84% of North American executives say they are increasing reshoring initiatives. The withdrawal from globalization creates opportunities for enterprises that can work quickly and have a depth of expertise to seize the moment.

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Compliancy is the Enemy of Excellence

Unlock the Art of Change™ Series – December 2020

Don’t become a victim of complacency.

When we slow down or stop, the competition is better positioned to reach our customers.

The embodiment of excellence is always to be moving forward.

Don’t let complacency become your barrier to excellence.

Don’t become a victim of complacency.

When we slow down or stop, the competition is better positioned to reach our customers.

The embodiment of excellence is always to be moving forward.

Don’t let complacency become your barrier to excellence.

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Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends and family!

Blogging The Art of Change™ – November 2020

Hi Team Art!

November has been a hectic month. My current clients have been keeping be busy COVID related supply chain opportunities and inventory velocity improvements. The reoccurring issues related to COVID is demand variability related to shutdowns and locating quality suppliers to successfully reposition manufacturing closer to customers.

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The Formula for Success

Every day some events occur to us that we have ZERO control over.

However, we have 100% control over our response.

For example, a draw bridge, train crossing, or an auto accident may delay your commute home from a long day’s work. Rather than getting mad or angry, use the newly found time to your benefit.

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Blogging The Art of Change™ – October 2020

Happy Halloween Team Art!

October has been a busy month! We traveled to Spain to see my father-in-law; I had my 60th birthday and attended Christina and John’s beautiful wedding.

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Finding Genius and the Castaways

Competition has been and always will be tough, so get over it!

What if I were to tell you that you have an untapped resource within your organization and that it’s free to you if you know how to slow down and find it?

Lead from the HEART.

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The Rule of 80/20 is not Sustainable

Art’s Law #3 1% = 50%

The 80/20 Rule is not sustainable for problem resolution. We need to think about 80/15/4/1. Where the last 1% of demand typically represents 50% of business complexity.

The last 1% of demand or purchases create 50% of the customers, suppliers, or product numbers.

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