FULL SPEED AHEAD! Advice for Small and Medium Enterprises

December 1, 2020

When I was a kid, we were driving home from an out-of-town shopping trip one winter’s evening. I was sleeping on the back seat when suddenly I was thrown to the floor (no seat belt use back then) as the car hit black ice. The next thing I knew my Dad was steering our big Oldsmobile Delta 88 through the ditch and now driving full speed through a farmer’s snowy field. He didn’t slow down and kept the big Olds powering through the snow. We actually drove to the farmer’s yard and then got back on the highway. I learned a lot about momentum and keeping your foot on the gas in tough times from that experience.

This past year has seemed the same as hitting the ditch for many business owners and leaders. Some stopped in the ditch and wondered how to get out. Some stopped in the field and said, “Woe is me, I’m stuck in a field.” And some kept their foot on the gas, drove through the field, and got back on the highway. It’s your choice how you respond.

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Supply Chain Key to Business Success

November 29, 2020

Patrick Daly Interlinks Podcast
November 2020

In this episode we talk to Art Koch, consultant, author and speaker, and President of Arthur Koch Management Consulting based in Miami, Florida.

In his consultancy work Art helps his clients in Manufacturing, Distribution and Financial services to turn operational problems into profits through complexity reduction, inventory velocity, and effective measurement and dashboards to keep track of performance.

Listen to the podcast.

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Supply Chain Strategy and Tactics Post-COVID

November 20, 2020

Patrick Daly Interlinks Podcast
November 2020

Well, because the topic of globalization that we regularly discuss on this program is underpinned and made possible by the international supply chains that function day-in-day out to fulfill our material needs including our food, our clothing, our medicines and all the services that we depend on to make our life what it is – the smartphone in your pocket, the cholesterol tablets you take and the bottle of wine on your dinner table.

To do this I am joined by three colleagues of mine From the Society for the advancement of Consulting (SAC), all independent consultants and thought leaders in their own fields for this Supply Chain informal chat or “Tertulia” as I like to call it.

Listen to the podcast.

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Thriving in the New Business Environment – Why The Strategic Supply Chain Matters

November 1, 2020

If you are a CEO, CXO, senior leader, company owner, or supply chain manager of a company that provides products and/or services to customers, this eBook is for you. A global group of independent management consultants—with decades of experience working to develop competitive advantage, profit, and growth for their clients—have collaboratively created this just for you and your team. This eBook is one in a series and will focus on Supply Chain Management (SCM).

SCM is a vital strategic competency in any organization. It encompasses the processes and activities necessary to design, make, deliver, and support a product or service. Disruptive forces remind us how important it is to integrate supply chain strategy with business strategy and to have well thought-out crisis management, mitigation, and contingency plans in place for when the unexpected occurs.

Get your free ebook!

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How to Strengthen and Grow Your Business for Global Small and Medium Enterprises

October 1, 2020

Welcome to this issue of “How to Strengthen and Grow your Business.” In these unique and challenging times, there are opportunities to strengthen, to grow, and to become more valuable to your existing customers and to new customers.

We are all innovators. We innovate when a customer says no to a sale, and we figure out how to improve. We innovate when we develop a new offering and promote it to our existing customers and to new prospects. The key is to take action, keep your feet moving, fail fast, figure things out, adjust, and persist.

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Crisis Management For Small and Medium Enterprises

August 15, 2020

Certified Global SME Advisors – Volume 1, Issues 2 – August 2020

Just a few short decades ago when I was a university student, I was stressed about an upcoming tax exam. Looking back, exams seem very minor compared to the personal and financial hardships many are experiencing today due to Covid.However, when you’re young, anything happening seemed very serious. Seeking some adviceabout my serious tax exam situation, I called my Dad. He was a man of few,but wise,words. He was also a World War II veteran who had been chased by a tank, blindedwhen tank artillery hit a brick school house he was hiding in, and left for dead after being hit with machine gun fire. My brother and I grew up hearing his war storiesand likely became disproportionately brave in certain situations. Dadnever could sit in front of an open picture window for long; likely the long-term effects of post-traumaticstress disorder.

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Covid Business Strategies For Small and Medium Enterprises

August 12, 2020

Certified Global SME Advisors
Volume 1, Issues 1 – August 2020

With the current events taking place concerning Coronavirus, it is important that we take it seriously but do not panic. We must be vigilant and extra careful especially if you are an older adult with underlining health issues.

This outbreak is currently causing a significant disruption to the business environment and fear seems to be taking over. The thing is, this virus will run its course as have other viruses such as the Swine flu in 2009 that affected approximately 60 million people and caused 13,000deaths in the U.S. There were 1.4 billion cases in the world and 575,000 deaths worldwide during that pandemic.

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Diversification Now is Both Doable and Desirable

August 1, 2020

CLAREMONT, CA—Diversification makes good business sense during COVID-19, provided that the rationale and focus for doing so is clear, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). With a clear focus, customers will get enhanced value from products and services, as your business avoids the panic mode that besets weaker competitors.

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22 warehouse pros share the biggest mistakes made with inventory management (and how to avoid them)

July 30, 2020

Managing warehouse inventory, on its face, seems a simple concept: Keep enough stock on hand to fulfill orders, but not so much stock that your warehouse is filled to the brim with inventory that won’t move for months (or years). Too much slow-moving inventory means you’re spending money to store products that aren’t earning immediate revenue, and too little means backorders and unhappy customers who are likely to seek out your competition. In practice, however, warehouse inventory management is quite complex, given the number of variables that impact the bottom line:

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