I guess it takes a pandemic for many corporations to wake up and understand the same values I’ve been instilling with clients since 1989?
Read articleI guess it takes a pandemic for many corporations to wake up and understand the same values I’ve been instilling with clients since 1989?
Read articleArt Koch’s Profit Chain® Series
Volume 3 | Number 9 | September 2020
What is entropy? It’s the old farmhouse falling into disrepair. Have you started the day with a game plan, and before you get in the door of your office, “Poof,” the plans have vanished into thin air? It feels as though the day is managing you, rather than you managing the day. It is Entropy at work.
Read articleArt’s Law #3 1% = 50%
The 80/20 Rule is not sustainable for problem resolution. We need to think about 80/15/4/1. Where the last 1% of demand typically represents 50% of business complexity.
The last 1% of demand or purchases create 50% of the customers, suppliers, or product numbers.
Read articleStop letting the process manage you! Become the champion of your game plan and achieve sustainable profits.
Entropy is a giant sucking sound to your profits!
Follow my three-phase methodology to breaking your entropy creep!
Read articleHi Team Art!
An update on our COVID-19 journey.
I’m still mostly hunkered down in Miami and getting out to eat couple times per week, but to only low density and with outdoor seating.
Thus far, I’ve have been COVID free.
We went on our first flight in five months to Michigan to see our Mother. She is 89 years; we were finally able to visit her at the assisted living home.
Read articleArt Koch’s Profit Chain® Series
Volume 3 | Number 8 | August 2020
Before the pandemic, in 2017-2018, we had witnessed the peak of globalization. Results of several recent polls taken of industrial leaders indicate that between 65% to 85% plan to re-shore, nearshore, or insource products manufactured in remote parts of the world to reduce their supply chain risk.
When I first started to write about this topic, I received mixed reviews. Not everyone believes that extended supply chains negatively impact Total Cost of Ownership to the extent of my views. Regardless of whether or not you agreed with me back then, there is no denying that we are now in the midst of a seismic global manufacturing shift. Are you ready for the change?
Read articleI have discussed both Supply Chain Management professionalism and how the surge in remote work will constrict once the pandemic is over. I’ve included the links to the newsletters or blog post for your reference:
Supply Chain Professionalism
There will be NO “New Normal” – WE will be Normal
Read articleCertified Global SME Advisors – Volume 1, Issues 2 – August 2020
Just a few short decades ago when I was a university student, I was stressed about an upcoming tax exam. Looking back, exams seem very minor compared to the personal and financial hardships many are experiencing today due to Covid.However, when you’re young, anything happening seemed very serious. Seeking some adviceabout my serious tax exam situation, I called my Dad. He was a man of few,but wise,words. He was also a World War II veteran who had been chased by a tank, blindedwhen tank artillery hit a brick school house he was hiding in, and left for dead after being hit with machine gun fire. My brother and I grew up hearing his war storiesand likely became disproportionately brave in certain situations. Dadnever could sit in front of an open picture window for long; likely the long-term effects of post-traumaticstress disorder.
Read articleCertified Global SME Advisors
Volume 1, Issues 1 – August 2020
With the current events taking place concerning Coronavirus, it is important that we take it seriously but do not panic. We must be vigilant and extra careful especially if you are an older adult with underlining health issues.
This outbreak is currently causing a significant disruption to the business environment and fear seems to be taking over. The thing is, this virus will run its course as have other viruses such as the Swine flu in 2009 that affected approximately 60 million people and caused 13,000deaths in the U.S. There were 1.4 billion cases in the world and 575,000 deaths worldwide during that pandemic.
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